LLM-based Translation Inference with Iterative Bilingual Understanding

  • 2024-10-17 03:28:25
  • Andong Chen, Kehai Chen, Yang Xiang, Xuefeng Bai, Muyun Yang, Tiejun Zhao, Min zhang
  • 0


The remarkable understanding and generation capabilities of large languagemodels (LLMs) have greatly improved translation performance. However, incorrectunderstanding of the sentence to be translated can degrade translation quality.To address this issue, we proposed a novel Iterative Bilingual UnderstandingTranslation (IBUT) method based on the cross-lingual capabilities of LLMs andthe dual characteristics of translation tasks. The cross-lingual capability ofLLMs enables the generation of contextual understanding for both the source andtarget languages separately. Furthermore, the dual characteristics allow IBUTto generate effective cross-lingual feedback, iteratively refining contextualunderstanding, thereby reducing errors and improving translation performance.Experimental results showed that the proposed IBUT outperforms several strongcomparison methods, especially being generalized to multiple domains (e.g.,news, commonsense, and cultural translation benchmarks).


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