Context-Scaling versus Task-Scaling in In-Context Learning

  • 2024-10-16 18:58:08
  • Amirhesam Abedsoltan, Adityanarayanan Radhakrishnan, Jingfeng Wu, Mikhail Belkin
  • 0


Transformers exhibit In-Context Learning (ICL), where these models solve newtasks by using examples in the prompt without additional training. In our work,we identify and analyze two key components of ICL: (1) context-scaling, wheremodel performance improves as the number of in-context examples increases and(2) task-scaling, where model performance improves as the number ofpre-training tasks increases. While transformers are capable of bothcontext-scaling and task-scaling, we empirically show that standard Multi-LayerPerceptrons (MLPs) with vectorized input are only capable of task-scaling. Tounderstand how transformers are capable of context-scaling, we first propose asignificantly simplified transformer architecture without key, query, valueweights. We show that it performs ICL comparably to the original GPT-2 model invarious statistical learning tasks including linear regression, teacher-studentsettings. Furthermore, a single block of our simplified transformer can beviewed as data dependent feature map followed by an MLP. This feature map onits own is a powerful predictor that is capable of context-scaling but is notcapable of task-scaling. We show empirically that concatenating the output ofthis feature map with vectorized data as an input to MLPs enables bothcontext-scaling and task-scaling. This finding provides a simple setting tostudy context and task-scaling for ICL.


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