Do LLMs have Consistent Values?

  • 2024-10-15 08:29:29
  • Naama Rozen, Liat Bezalel, Gal Elidan, Amir Globerson, Ella Daniel
  • 0


Large Language Models (LLM) technology is constantly improving towardshuman-like dialogue. Values are a basic driving force underlying humanbehavior, but little research has been done to study the values exhibited intext generated by LLMs. Here we study this question by turning to the richliterature on value structure in psychology. We ask whether LLMs exhibit thesame value structure that has been demonstrated in humans, including theranking of values, and correlation between values. We show that the results ofthis analysis depend on how the LLM is prompted, and that under a particularprompting strategy (referred to as "Value Anchoring") the agreement with humandata is quite compelling. Our results serve both to improve our understandingof values in LLMs, as well as introduce novel methods for assessing consistencyin LLM responses.


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