How social reinforcement learning can lead to metastable polarisation and the voter model

  • 2024-10-15 18:02:38
  • Benedikt V. Meylahn, Janusz M. Meylahn
  • 0


Previous explanations for the persistence of polarization of opinions havetypically included modelling assumptions that predispose the possibility ofpolarization (i.e., assumptions allowing a pair of agents to drift apart intheir opinion such as repulsive interactions or bounded confidence). Anexception is a recent simulation study showing that polarization is persistentwhen agents form their opinions using social reinforcement learning. Our goal is to highlight the usefulness of reinforcement learning in thecontext of modeling opinion dynamics, but that caution is required whenselecting the tools used to study such a model. We show that the polarizationobserved in the model of the simulation study cannot persist indefinitely, andexhibits consensus asymptotically with probability one. By constructing a linkbetween the reinforcement learning model and the voter model, we argue that theobserved polarization is metastable. Finally, we show that a slightmodification in the learning process of the agents changes the model from beingnon-ergodic to being ergodic. Our results show that reinforcement learning may be a powerful method formodelling polarization in opinion dynamics, but that the tools (objects tostudy such as the stationary distribution, or time to absorption for example)appropriate for analysing such models crucially depend on their properties(such as ergodicity, or transience). These properties are determined by thedetails of the learning process and may be difficult to identify based solelyon simulations.


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