Ensemble of ConvNeXt V2 and MaxViT for Long-Tailed CXR Classification with View-Based Aggregation

  • 2024-10-14 17:49:14
  • Yosuke Yamagishi, SHouhei Hanaoka
  • 0


In this work, we present our solution for the MICCAI 2024 CXR-LT challenge,achieving 4th place in Subtask 2 and 5th in Subtask 1. We leveraged an ensembleof ConvNeXt V2 and MaxViT models, pretrained on an external chest X-raydataset, to address the long-tailed distribution of chest findings. Theproposed method combines state-of-the-art image classification techniques,asymmetric loss for handling class imbalance, and view-based predictionaggregation to enhance classification performance. Through experiments, wedemonstrate the advantages of our approach in improving both detection accuracyand the handling of the long-tailed distribution in CXR findings. The code isavailable at \url{https://github.com/yamagishi0824/cxrlt24-multiview-pp}.


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