A Comparative Study of Translation Bias and Accuracy in Multilingual Large Language Models for Cross-Language Claim Verification

  • 2024-10-14 10:02:42
  • Aryan Singhal, Veronica Shao, Gary Sun, Ryan Ding, Jonathan Lu, Kevin Zhu
  • 0


The rise of digital misinformation has heightened interest in usingmultilingual Large Language Models (LLMs) for fact-checking. This studysystematically evaluates translation bias and the effectiveness of LLMs forcross-lingual claim verification across 15 languages from five languagefamilies: Romance, Slavic, Turkic, Indo-Aryan, and Kartvelian. Using the XFACTdataset to assess their impact on accuracy and bias, we investigate twodistinct translation methods: pre-translation and self-translation. We usemBERT's performance on the English dataset as a baseline to comparelanguage-specific accuracies. Our findings reveal that low-resource languagesexhibit significantly lower accuracy in direct inference due tounderrepresentation in the training data. Furthermore, larger modelsdemonstrate superior performance in self-translation, improving translationaccuracy and reducing bias. These results highlight the need for balancedmultilingual training, especially in low-resource languages, to promoteequitable access to reliable fact-checking tools and minimize the risk ofspreading misinformation in different linguistic contexts.


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