On Information-Theoretic Measures of Predictive Uncertainty

  • 2024-10-14 18:52:18
  • Kajetan Schweighofer, Lukas Aichberger, Mykyta Ielanskyi, Sepp Hochreiter
  • 0


Reliable estimation of predictive uncertainty is crucial for machine learningapplications, particularly in high-stakes scenarios where hedging against risksis essential. Despite its significance, a consensus on the correct measurementof predictive uncertainty remains elusive. In this work, we return to firstprinciples to develop a fundamental framework of information-theoreticpredictive uncertainty measures. Our proposed framework categorizes predictiveuncertainty measures according to two factors: (I) The predicting model (II)The approximation of the true predictive distribution. Examining all possiblecombinations of these two factors, we derive a set of predictive uncertaintymeasures that includes both known and newly introduced ones. We empiricallyevaluate these measures in typical uncertainty estimation settings, such asmisclassification detection, selective prediction, and out-of-distributiondetection. The results show that no single measure is universal, but theeffectiveness depends on the specific setting. Thus, our work provides clarityabout the suitability of predictive uncertainty measures by clarifying theirimplicit assumptions and relationships.


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