Autonomous Underwater Robotic System for Aquaculture Applications

  • 2024-10-11 18:54:22
  • Waseem Akram, Muhayyuddin Ahmed, Lakmal Seneviratne, Irfan Hussain
  • 0


Aquaculture is a thriving food-producing sector producing over half of theglobal fish consumption. However, these aquafarms pose significant challengessuch as biofouling, vegetation, and holes within their net pens and have aprofound effect on the efficiency and sustainability of fish production.Currently, divers and/or remotely operated vehicles are deployed for inspectingand maintaining aquafarms; this approach is expensive and requires highlyskilled human operators. This work aims to develop a robotic-based automaticnet defect detection system for aquaculture net pens oriented to on- ROVprocessing and real-time detection of different aqua-net defects such asbiofouling, vegetation, net holes, and plastic. The proposed system integratesboth deep learning-based methods for aqua-net defect detection and feedbackcontrol law for the vehicle movement around the aqua-net to obtain a clearsequence of net images and inspect the status of the net via performing theinspection tasks. This work contributes to the area of aquaculture inspection,marine robotics, and deep learning aiming to reduce cost, improve quality, andease of operation.


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