Linear Convergence of Diffusion Models Under the Manifold Hypothesis

  • 2024-10-11 18:58:30
  • Peter Potaptchik, Iskander Azangulov, George Deligiannidis
  • 0


Score-matching generative models have proven successful at sampling fromcomplex high-dimensional data distributions. In many applications, thisdistribution is believed to concentrate on a much lower $d$-dimensionalmanifold embedded into $D$-dimensional space; this is known as the manifoldhypothesis. The current best-known convergence guarantees are either linear in$D$ or polynomial (superlinear) in $d$. The latter exploits a novel integrationscheme for the backward SDE. We take the best of both worlds and show that thenumber of steps diffusion models require in order to converge inKullback-Leibler~(KL) divergence is linear (up to logarithmic terms) in theintrinsic dimension $d$. Moreover, we show that this linear dependency issharp.


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