Residual Kolmogorov-Arnold Network for Enhanced Deep Learning

  • 2024-10-07 22:12:32
  • Ray Congrui Yu, Sherry Wu, Jiang Gui
  • 0


Despite the strong performance in many computer vision tasks, ConvolutionalNeural Networks (CNNs) can sometimes struggle to efficiently capturelong-range, complex non-linear dependencies in deeper layers of the network. Weaddress this limitation by introducing Residual KAN, which incorporates theKolmogorov-Arnold Network (KAN) within the CNN framework as a residualcomponent. Our approach uses Chebyshev polynomials as the basis for KANconvolutions that enables more expressive and adaptive feature representationswhile maintaining computational efficiency. The proposed RKAN blocks, whenintegrated into established architectures such as ResNet and DenseNet, offerconsistent improvements over the baseline models on various well-knownbenchmarks. Our results demonstrate the potential of RKAN to enhance thecapabilities of deep CNNs in visual data.


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