A Unified Theory of Quantum Neural Network Loss Landscapes

  • 2024-10-07 22:58:50
  • Eric R. Anschuetz
  • 0


Classical neural networks with random initialization famously behave asGaussian processes in the limit of many neurons, which allows one to completelycharacterize their training and generalization behavior. No such generalunderstanding exists for quantum neural networks (QNNs), which -- outside ofcertain special cases -- are known to not behave as Gaussian processes whenrandomly initialized. We here prove that QNNs and their first two derivativesinstead generally form what we call "Wishart processes," where certainalgebraic properties of the network determine the hyperparameters of theprocess. This Wishart process description allows us to, for the first time:give necessary and sufficient conditions for a QNN architecture to have aGaussian process limit; calculate the full gradient distribution, generalizingpreviously known barren plateau results; and calculate the local minimadistribution of algebraically constrained QNNs. Our unified framework suggestsa certain simple operational definition for the "trainability" of a given QNNmodel using a newly introduced, experimentally accessible quantity we call the"degrees of freedom" of the network architecture.


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