An Initial Attempt of Combining Visual Selective Attention with Deep Reinforcement Learning

  • 2018-11-11 12:22:44
  • Liu Yuezhang, Ruohan Zhang, Dana H. Ballard
  • 4


Visual attention serves as a means of feature selection mechanism in theperceptual system. Motivated by Broadbent's leaky filter model of selectiveattention, we evaluate how such mechanism could be implemented and affect thelearning process of deep reinforcement learning. We visualize and analyze thefeature maps of DQN on a toy problem Catch, and propose an approach to combinevisual selective attention with deep reinforcement learning. We experiment withoptical flow-based attention and A2C on Atari games. Experiment results showthat visual selective attention could lead to improvements in terms of sampleefficiency on tested games. An intriguing relation between attention and batchnormalization is also discovered.


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