CSSL: Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning for Dependency Parsing on Relatively Free Word Ordered and Morphologically Rich Low Resource Languages

  • 2024-10-09 15:38:49
  • Pretam Ray, Jivnesh Sandhan, Amrith Krishna, Pawan Goyal
  • 0


Neural dependency parsing has achieved remarkable performance for lowresource morphologically rich languages. It has also been well-studied thatmorphologically rich languages exhibit relatively free word order. This promptsa fundamental investigation: Is there a way to enhance dependency parsingperformance, making the model robust to word order variations utilizing therelatively free word order nature of morphologically rich languages? In thiswork, we examine the robustness of graph-based parsing architectures on 7relatively free word order languages. We focus on scrutinizing essentialmodifications such as data augmentation and the removal of position encodingrequired to adapt these architectures accordingly. To this end, we propose acontrastive self-supervised learning method to make the model robust to wordorder variations. Furthermore, our proposed modification demonstrates asubstantial average gain of 3.03/2.95 points in 7 relatively free word orderlanguages, as measured by the UAS/LAS Score metric when compared to the bestperforming baseline.


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