Personal Intelligence System UniLM: Hybrid On-Device Small Language Model and Server-Based Large Language Model for Malay Nusantara

  • 2024-10-09 16:11:13
  • Azree Nazri, Olalekan Agbolade, Faisal Aziz
  • 0


In contexts with limited computational and data resources, high-resourcelanguage models often prove inadequate, particularly when addressing thespecific needs of Malay languages. This paper introduces a PersonalIntelligence System designed to efficiently integrate both on-device andserver-based models. The system incorporates SLiM-34M for on-device processing,optimized for low memory and power usage, and MANYAK-1.3B for server-basedtasks, allowing for scalable, high-performance language processing. The modelsachieve significant results across various tasks, such as machine translation,question-answering, and translate IndoMMLU. Particularly noteworthy isSLiM-34M's ability to achieve a high improvement in accuracy compared to otherLLMs while using 2 times fewer pre-training tokens. This work challenges theprevailing assumption that large-scale computational resources are necessary tobuild effective language models, contributing to the development ofresource-efficient models for the Malay language with the unique orchestrationbetween SLiM-34M and MANYAK-1.3B.


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