Last Iterate Convergence in Monotone Mean Field Games

  • 2024-10-08 04:50:40
  • Noboru Isobe, Kenshi Abe, Kaito Ariu
  • 0


Mean Field Game (MFG) is a framework utilized to model and approximate thebehavior of a large number of agents, and the computation of equilibria in MFGhas been a subject of interest. Despite the proposal of methods to approximatethe equilibria, algorithms where the sequence of updated policy converges toequilibrium, specifically those exhibiting last-iterate convergence, have beenlimited. We propose the use of a simple, proximal-point-type algorithm tocompute equilibria for MFGs. Subsequently, we provide the first last-iterateconvergence guarantee under the Lasry--Lions-type monotonicity condition. Wefurther employ the Mirror Descent algorithm for the regularized MFG toefficiently approximate the update rules of the proximal point method for MFGs.We demonstrate that the algorithm can approximate with an accuracy of$\varepsilon$ after $\mathcal{O}({\log(1/\varepsilon)})$ iterations. Thisresearch offers a tractable approach for large-scale and large-populationgames.


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