ScriptViz: A Visualization Tool to Aid Scriptwriting based on a Large Movie Database

  • 2024-10-04 09:23:56
  • Anyi Rao, Jean-Peïc Chou, Maneesh Agrawala
  • 0


Scriptwriters usually rely on their mental visualization to create a vividstory by using their imagination to see, feel, and experience the scenes theyare writing. Besides mental visualization, they often refer to existing imagesor scenes in movies and analyze the visual elements to create a certain mood oratmosphere. In this paper, we develop ScriptViz to provide externalvisualization based on a large movie database for the screenwriting process. Itretrieves reference visuals on the fly based on scripts' text and dialogue froma large movie database. The tool provides two types of control on visualelements that enable writers to 1) see exactly what they want with fixed visualelements and 2) see variances in uncertain elements. User evaluation among 15scriptwriters shows that ScriptViz is able to present scriptwriters withconsistent yet diverse visual possibilities, aligning closely with theirscripts and helping their creation.


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