Word Sense Disambiguation in Native Spanish: A Comprehensive Lexical Evaluation Resource

  • 2024-09-30 18:22:33
  • Pablo Ortega, Jordi Luque, Luis Lamiable, Rodrigo López, Richard Benjamins
  • 0


Human language, while aimed at conveying meaning, inherently carriesambiguity. It poses challenges for speech and language processing, but alsoserves crucial communicative functions. Efficiently solve ambiguity is both adesired and a necessary characteristic. The lexical meaning of a word incontext can be determined automatically by Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD)algorithms that rely on external knowledge often limited and biased towardEnglish. When adapting content to other languages, automated translations arefrequently inaccurate and a high degree of expert human validation is necessaryto ensure both accuracy and understanding. The current study addresses previouslimitations by introducing a new resource for Spanish WSD. It includes a senseinventory and a lexical dataset sourced from the Diccionario de la LenguaEspa\~nola which is maintained by the Real Academia Espa\~nola. We also reviewcurrent resources for Spanish and report metrics on them by a state-of-the-artsystem.


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