Putting Data at the Centre of Offline Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

  • 2024-09-18 15:13:24
  • Claude Formanek, Louise Beyers, Callum Rhys Tilbury, Jonathan P. Shock, Arnu Pretorius
  • 0


Offline multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) is an exciting direction ofresearch that uses static datasets to find optimal control policies formulti-agent systems. Though the field is by definition data-driven, effortshave thus far neglected data in their drive to achieve state-of-the-artresults. We first substantiate this claim by surveying the literature, showinghow the majority of works generate their own datasets without consistentmethodology and provide sparse information about the characteristics of thesedatasets. We then show why neglecting the nature of the data is problematic,through salient examples of how tightly algorithmic performance is coupled tothe dataset used, necessitating a common foundation for experiments in thefield. In response, we take a big step towards improving data usage and dataawareness in offline MARL, with three key contributions: (1) a clear guidelinefor generating novel datasets; (2) a standardisation of over 80 existingdatasets, hosted in a publicly available repository, using a consistent storageformat and easy-to-use API; and (3) a suite of analysis tools that allow us tounderstand these datasets better, aiding further development.


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