Video diffusion models have shown great potential in generating high-qualityvideos, making them an increasingly popular focus. However, their inherentiterative nature leads to substantial computational and time costs. Whileefforts have been made to accelerate video diffusion by reducing inferencesteps (through techniques like consistency distillation) and GAN training(these approaches often fall short in either performance or trainingstability). In this work, we introduce a two-stage training framework thateffectively combines consistency distillation with GAN training to addressthese challenges. Additionally, we propose a novel video discriminator design,which eliminates the need for decoding the video latents and improves the finalperformance. Our model is capable of producing high-quality videos in merelyone-step, with the flexibility to perform multi-step refinement for furtherperformance enhancement. Our quantitative evaluation on the OpenWebVid-1Mbenchmark shows that our model significantly outperforms existing methods.Notably, our 1-step performance(FVD 171.15) exceeds the 8-step performance ofthe consistency distillation based method, AnimateLCM (FVD 184.79), andapproaches the 25-step performance of advanced Stable Video Diffusion (FVD156.94).