Vision Based Navigation consists in utilizing cameras as precision sensorsfor GNC after extracting information from images. To enable the adoption ofmachine learning for space applications, one of obstacles is the demonstrationthat available training datasets are adequate to validate the algorithms. Theobjective of the study is to generate datasets of images and metadata suitablefor training machine learning algorithms. Two use cases were selected and arobust methodology was developed to validate the datasets including the groundtruth. The first use case is in-orbit rendezvous with a man-made object: amockup of satellite ENVISAT. The second use case is a Lunar landing scenario.Datasets were produced from archival datasets (Chang'e 3), from the laboratoryat DLR TRON facility and at Airbus Robotic laboratory, from SurRender softwarehigh fidelity image simulator using Model Capture and from GenerativeAdversarial Networks. The use case definition included the selection ofalgorithms as benchmark: an AI-based pose estimation algorithm and a denseoptical flow algorithm were selected. Eventually it is demonstrated thatdatasets produced with SurRender and selected laboratory facilities areadequate to train machine learning algorithms.