How to do impactful research in artificial intelligence for chemistry and materials science

  • 2024-09-16 15:10:38
  • Austin Cheng, Cher Tian Ser, Marta Skreta, Andrés Guzmán-Cordero, Luca Thiede, Andreas Burger, Abdulrahman Aldossary, Shi Xuan Leong, Sergio Pablo-García, Felix Strieth-Kalthoff, Alán Aspuru-Guzik
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Machine learning has been pervasively touching many fields of science.Chemistry and materials science are no exception. While machine learning hasbeen making a great impact, it is still not reaching its full potential ormaturity. In this perspective, we first outline current applications across adiversity of problems in chemistry. Then, we discuss how machine learningresearchers view and approach problems in the field. Finally, we provide ourconsiderations for maximizing impact when researching machine learning forchemistry.


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