Stochastic Reinforcement Learning with Stability Guarantees for Control of Unknown Nonlinear Systems

  • 2024-09-12 21:07:54
  • Thanin Quartz, Ruikun Zhou, Hans De Sterck, Jun Liu
  • 0


Designing a stabilizing controller for nonlinear systems is a challengingtask, especially for high-dimensional problems with unknown dynamics.Traditional reinforcement learning algorithms applied to stabilization taskstend to drive the system close to the equilibrium point. However, theseapproaches often fall short of achieving true stabilization and result inpersistent oscillations around the equilibrium point. In this work, we proposea reinforcement learning algorithm that stabilizes the system by learning alocal linear representation ofthe dynamics. The main component of the algorithmis integrating the learned gain matrix directly into the neural policy. Wedemonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm on several challenginghigh-dimensional dynamical systems. In these simulations, our algorithmoutperforms popular reinforcement learning algorithms, such as softactor-critic (SAC) and proximal policy optimization (PPO), and successfullystabilizes the system. To support the numerical results, we provide atheoretical analysis of the feasibility of the learned algorithm for bothdeterministic and stochastic reinforcement learning settings, along with aconvergence analysis of the proposed learning algorithm. Furthermore, we verifythat the learned control policies indeed provide asymptotic stability for thenonlinear systems.


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