Text-guided Controllable Mesh Refinement for Interactive 3D Modeling

  • 2024-09-11 01:42:37
  • Yun-Chun Chen, Selena Ling, Zhiqin Chen, Vladimir G. Kim, Matheus Gadelha, Alec Jacobson
  • 0


We propose a novel technique for adding geometric details to an input coarse3D mesh guided by a text prompt. Our method is composed of three stages. First,we generate a single-view RGB image conditioned on the input coarse geometryand the input text prompt. This single-view image generation step allows theuser to pre-visualize the result and offers stronger conditioning forsubsequent multi-view generation. Second, we use our novel multi-view normalgeneration architecture to jointly generate six different views of the normalimages. The joint view generation reduces inconsistencies and leads to sharperdetails. Third, we optimize our mesh with respect to all views and generate afine, detailed geometry as output. The resulting method produces an outputwithin seconds and offers explicit user control over the coarse structure,pose, and desired details of the resulting 3D mesh.


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