Exploratory Visual Analysis for Increasing Data Readiness in Artificial Intelligence Projects

  • 2024-09-05 10:57:14
  • Mattias Tiger, Daniel Jakobsson, Anders Ynnerman, Fredrik Heintz, Daniel Jönsson
  • 0


We present experiences and lessons learned from increasing data readiness ofheterogeneous data for artificial intelligence projects using visual analysismethods. Increasing the data readiness level involves understanding both thedata as well as the context in which it is used, which are challenges wellsuitable to visual analysis. For this purpose, we contribute a mapping betweendata readiness aspects and visual analysis techniques suitable for differentdata types. We use the defined mapping to increase data readiness levels in usecases involving time-varying data, including numerical, categorical, and text.In addition to the mapping, we extend the data readiness concept to better takeaspects of the task and solution into account and explicitly addressdistribution shifts during data collection time. We report on our experiencesin using the presented visual analysis techniques to aid future artificialintelligence projects in raising the data readiness level.


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