3D-LEX v1.0: 3D Lexicons for American Sign Language and Sign Language of the Netherlands

  • 2024-09-03 14:44:56
  • Oline Ranum, Gomer Otterspeer, Jari I. Andersen, Robert G. Belleman, Floris Roelofsen
  • 0


In this work, we present an efficient approach for capturing sign language in3D, introduce the 3D-LEX v1.0 dataset, and detail a method for semi-automaticannotation of phonetic properties. Our procedure integrates three motioncapture techniques encompassing high-resolution 3D poses, 3D handshapes, anddepth-aware facial features, and attains an average sampling rate of one signevery 10 seconds. This includes the time for presenting a sign example,performing and recording the sign, and archiving the capture. The 3D-LEXdataset includes 1,000 signs from American Sign Language and an additional1,000 signs from the Sign Language of the Netherlands. We showcase the datasetutility by presenting a simple method for generating handshape annotationsdirectly from 3D-LEX. We produce handshape labels for 1,000 signs from AmericanSign Language and evaluate the labels in a sign recognition task. The labelsenhance gloss recognition accuracy by 5% over using no handshape annotations,and by 1% over expert annotations. Our motion capture data supports in-depthanalysis of sign features and facilitates the generation of 2D projections fromany viewpoint. The 3D-LEX collection has been aligned with existing signlanguage benchmarks and linguistic resources, to support studies in 3D-awaresign language processing.


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