Look Into the LITE in Deep Learning for Time Series Classification

  • 2024-09-04 17:53:46
  • Ali Ismail-Fawaz, Maxime Devanne, Stefano Berretti, Jonathan Weber, Germain Forestier
  • 0


Deep learning models have been shown to be a powerful solution for TimeSeries Classification (TSC). State-of-the-art architectures, while producingpromising results on the UCR and the UEA archives , present a high number oftrainable parameters. This can lead to long training with high CO2 emission,power consumption and possible increase in the number of FLoating-pointOperation Per Second (FLOPS). In this paper, we present a new architecture forTSC, the Light Inception with boosTing tEchnique (LITE) with only 2.34% of thenumber of parameters of the state-of-the-art InceptionTime model, whilepreserving performance. This architecture, with only 9, 814 trainableparameters due to the usage of DepthWise Separable Convolutions (DWSC), isboosted by three techniques: multiplexing, custom filters, and dilatedconvolution. The LITE architecture, trained on the UCR, is 2.78 times fasterthan InceptionTime and consumes 2.79 times less CO2 and power. To evaluate theperformance of the proposed architecture on multivariate time series data, weadapt LITE to handle multivariate time series, we call this version LITEMV. Tobring theory into application, we also conducted experiments using LITEMV onmultivariate time series representing human rehabilitation movements, showingthat LITEMV not only is the most efficient model but also the best performingfor this application on the Kimore dataset, a skeleton based humanrehabilitation exercises dataset. Moreover, to address the interpretability ofLITEMV, we present a study using Class Activation Maps to understand theclassification decision taken by the model during evaluation.


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