Graphs are pervasive in the real-world, such as social network analysis,bioinformatics, and knowledge graphs. Graph neural networks (GNNs) have greatability in node classification, a fundamental task on graphs. Unfortunately,conventional GNNs still face challenges in scenarios with few labeled nodes,despite the prevalence of few-shot node classification tasks in real-worldapplications. To address this challenge, various approaches have been proposed,including graph meta-learning, transfer learning, and methods based on LargeLanguage Models (LLMs). However, traditional meta-learning and transferlearning methods often require prior knowledge from base classes or fail toexploit the potential advantages of unlabeled nodes. Meanwhile, LLM-basedmethods may overlook the zero-shot capabilities of LLMs and rely heavily on thequality of generated contexts. In this paper, we propose a novel approach thatintegrates LLMs and GNNs, leveraging the zero-shot inference and reasoningcapabilities of LLMs and employing a Graph-LLM-based active learning paradigmto enhance GNNs' performance. Extensive experiments demonstrate theeffectiveness of our model in improving node classification accuracy withconsiderably limited labeled data, surpassing state-of-the-art baselines bysignificant margins.