Decentralized Health Intelligence Network (DHIN)

  • 2024-09-04 18:57:39
  • Abraham Nash
  • 0


Decentralized Health Intelligence Network (DHIN) extends the DecentralizedIntelligence Network (DIN) framework to address challenges in healthcare datasovereignty and AI utilization. Building upon DIN's core principles, DHINintroduces healthcare-specific components to tackle data fragmentation acrossproviders and institutions, establishing a sovereign architecture forhealthcare provision. It facilitates effective AI utilization by overcomingbarriers to accessing diverse health data sources. This comprehensive frameworkleverages: 1) self-sovereign identity architecture coupled with a personalhealth record (PHR), extending DIN's personal data stores concept to ensurehealth data sovereignty; 2) a scalable federated learning (FL) protocolimplemented on a public blockchain for decentralized AI training in healthcare,tailored for medical data; and 3) a scalable, trustless rewards mechanismadapted from DIN to incentivize participation in healthcare AI development.DHIN operates on a public blockchain with an immutable record, ensuring that noentity can control access to health data or determine financial benefits. Itsupports effective AI training while allowing patients to maintain control overtheir health data, benefit financially, and contribute to a decentralizedecosystem. Unique to DHIN, patients receive rewards in digital wallets as anincentive to opt into the FL protocol, with a long-term roadmap to funddecentralized insurance solutions. This approach introduces a novel,self-financed healthcare model that adapts to individual needs, complementsexisting systems, and redefines universal coverage, showcasing how DINprinciples can transform healthcare data management and AI utilization whileempowering patients.


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