EX-DRL: Hedging Against Heavy Losses with EXtreme Distributional Reinforcement Learning

  • 2024-08-27 15:59:25
  • Parvin Malekzadeh, Zissis Poulos, Jacky Chen, Zeyu Wang, Konstantinos N. Plataniotis
  • 0


Recent advancements in Distributional Reinforcement Learning (DRL) formodeling loss distributions have shown promise in developing hedging strategiesin derivatives markets. A common approach in DRL involves learning thequantiles of loss distributions at specified levels using Quantile Regression(QR). This method is particularly effective in option hedging due to its directquantile-based risk assessment, such as Value at Risk (VaR) and ConditionalValue at Risk (CVaR). However, these risk measures depend on the accurateestimation of extreme quantiles in the loss distribution's tail, which can beimprecise in QR-based DRL due to the rarity and extremity of tail data, ashighlighted in the literature. To address this issue, we propose EXtreme DRL(EX-DRL), which enhances extreme quantile prediction by modeling the tail ofthe loss distribution with a Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD). This methodintroduces supplementary data to mitigate the scarcity of extreme quantileobservations, thereby improving estimation accuracy through QR. Comprehensiveexperiments on gamma hedging options demonstrate that EX-DRL improves existingQR-based models by providing more precise estimates of extreme quantiles,thereby improving the computation and reliability of risk metrics for complexfinancial risk management.


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