Bridging the gap between Learning-to-plan, Motion Primitives and Safe Reinforcement Learning

  • 2024-08-26 08:44:53
  • Piotr Kicki, Davide Tateo, Puze Liu, Jonas Guenster, Jan Peters, Krzysztof Walas
  • 0


Trajectory planning under kinodynamic constraints is fundamental for advancedrobotics applications that require dexterous, reactive, and rapid skills incomplex environments. These constraints, which may represent task, safety, oractuator limitations, are essential for ensuring the proper functioning ofrobotic platforms and preventing unexpected behaviors. Recent advances inkinodynamic planning demonstrate that learning-to-plan techniques can generatecomplex and reactive motions under intricate constraints. However, thesetechniques necessitate the analytical modeling of both the robot and the entiretask, a limiting assumption when systems are extremely complex or whenconstructing accurate task models is prohibitive. This paper addresses thislimitation by combining learning-to-plan methods with reinforcement learning,resulting in a novel integration of black-box learning of motion primitives andoptimization. We evaluate our approach against state-of-the-art safereinforcement learning methods, showing that our technique, particularly whenexploiting task structure, outperforms baseline methods in challengingscenarios such as planning to hit in robot air hockey. This work demonstratesthe potential of our integrated approach to enhance the performance and safetyof robots operating under complex kinodynamic constraints.


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