FairX: A comprehensive benchmarking tool for model analysis using fairness, utility, and explainability

  • 2024-08-21 07:01:52
  • Md Fahim Sikder, Resmi Ramachandranpillai, Daniel de Leng, Fredrik Heintz
  • 0


We present FairX, an open-source Python-based benchmarking tool designed forthe comprehensive analysis of models under the umbrella of fairness, utility,and eXplainability (XAI). FairX enables users to train benchmarkingbias-removal models and evaluate their fairness using a wide array of fairnessmetrics, data utility metrics, and generate explanations for model predictions,all within a unified framework. Existing benchmarking tools do not have the wayto evaluate synthetic data generated from fair generative models, also they donot have the support for training fair generative models either. In FairX, weadd fair generative models in the collection of our fair-model library(pre-processing, in-processing, post-processing) and evaluation metrics forevaluating the quality of synthetic fair data. This version of FairX supportsboth tabular and image datasets. It also allows users to provide their owncustom datasets. The open-source FairX benchmarking package is publiclyavailable at https://github.com/fahim-sikder/FairX.


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