The rapid advancement of large language models (LLMs) has revolutionizedrole-playing, enabling the development of general role-playing models. However,current role-playing training has two significant issues: (I) Using apredefined role profile to prompt dialogue training for specific scenariosusually leads to inconsistencies and even conflicts between the dialogue andthe profile, resulting in training biases. (II) The model learns to imitate therole based solely on the profile, neglecting profile-dialogue alignment at thesentence level. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective frameworkcalled BEYOND DIALOGUE, designed to overcome these hurdles. This frameworkinnovatively introduces "beyond dialogue" tasks to align dialogue with profiletraits based on each specific scenario, thereby eliminating biases duringtraining. Furthermore, by adopting an innovative prompting mechanism thatgenerates reasoning outcomes for training, the framework allows the model toachieve fine-grained alignment between profile and dialogue at the sentencelevel. The aforementioned methods are fully automated and low-cost.Additionally, the integration of automated dialogue and objective evaluationmethods forms a comprehensive framework, paving the way for generalrole-playing. Experimental results demonstrate that our model excels inadhering to and reflecting various dimensions of role profiles, outperformingmost proprietary general and specialized role-playing baselines. All code anddatasets are available at https://github.com/yuyouyu32/BeyondDialogue.