Unifying Event-based Flow, Stereo and Depth Estimation via Feature Similarity Matching

  • 2024-07-31 17:43:20
  • Pengjie Zhang, Lin Zhu, Lizhi Wang, Hua Huang
  • 0


As an emerging vision sensor, the event camera has gained popularity invarious vision tasks such as optical flow estimation, stereo matching, anddepth estimation due to its high-speed, sparse, and asynchronous event streams.Unlike traditional approaches that use specialized architectures for eachspecific task, we propose a unified framework, EventMatch, that reformulatesthese tasks as an event-based dense correspondence matching problem, allowingthem to be solved with a single model by directly comparing featuresimilarities. By utilizing a shared feature similarities module, whichintegrates knowledge from other event flows via temporal or spatialinteractions, and distinct task heads, our network can concurrently performoptical flow estimation from temporal inputs (e.g., two segments of eventstreams in the temporal domain) and stereo matching from spatial inputs (e.g.,two segments of event streams from different viewpoints in the spatial domain).Moreover, we further demonstrate that our unified model inherently supportscross-task transfer since the architecture and parameters are shared acrosstasks. Without the need for retraining on each task, our model can effectivelyhandle both optical flow and disparity estimation simultaneously. Theexperiment conducted on the DSEC benchmark demonstrates that our model exhibitssuperior performance in both optical flow and disparity estimation tasks,outperforming existing state-of-the-art methods. Our unified approach not onlyadvances event-based models but also opens new possibilities for cross-tasktransfer and inter-task fusion in both spatial and temporal dimensions. Ourcode will be available later.


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