Reinforcement Learning for Sustainable Energy: A Survey

  • 2024-07-26 09:37:14
  • Koen Ponse, Felix Kleuker, Márton Fejér, Álvaro Serra-Gómez, Aske Plaat, Thomas Moerland
  • 0


The transition to sustainable energy is a key challenge of our time,requiring modifications in the entire pipeline of energy production, storage,transmission, and consumption. At every stage, new sequential decision-makingchallenges emerge, ranging from the operation of wind farms to the managementof electrical grids or the scheduling of electric vehicle charging stations.All such problems are well suited for reinforcement learning, the branch ofmachine learning that learns behavior from data. Therefore, numerous studieshave explored the use of reinforcement learning for sustainable energy. Thispaper surveys this literature with the intention of bridging both theunderlying research communities: energy and machine learning. After a briefintroduction of both fields, we systematically list relevant sustainabilitychallenges, how they can be modeled as a reinforcement learning problem, andwhat solution approaches currently exist in the literature. Afterwards, we zoomout and identify overarching reinforcement learning themes that appearthroughout sustainability, such as multi-agent, offline, and safe reinforcementlearning. Lastly, we also cover standardization of environments, which will becrucial for connecting both research fields, and highlight potential directionsfor future work. In summary, this survey provides an extensive overview ofreinforcement learning methods for sustainable energy, which may play a vitalrole in the energy transition.


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