Can time series forecasting be automated? A benchmark and analysis

  • 2024-07-25 18:53:38
  • Anvitha Thirthapura Sreedhara, Joaquin Vanschoren
  • 0


In the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence, time seriesforecasting plays a pivotal role across various domains such as finance,healthcare, and weather. However, the task of selecting the most suitableforecasting method for a given dataset is a complex task due to the diversityof data patterns and characteristics. This research aims to address thischallenge by proposing a comprehensive benchmark for evaluating and rankingtime series forecasting methods across a wide range of datasets. This studyinvestigates the comparative performance of many methods from two prominenttime series forecasting frameworks, AutoGluon-Timeseries, and sktime to shedlight on their applicability in different real-world scenarios. This researchcontributes to the field of time series forecasting by providing a robustbenchmarking methodology and facilitating informed decision-making whenchoosing forecasting methods for achieving optimal prediction.


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