CodedVO: Coded Visual Odometry

  • 2024-07-25 18:54:58
  • Sachin Shah, Naitri Rajyaguru, Chahat Deep Singh, Christopher Metzler, Yiannis Aloimonos
  • 0


Autonomous robots often rely on monocular cameras for odometry estimation andnavigation. However, the scale ambiguity problem presents a critical barrier toeffective monocular visual odometry. In this paper, we present CodedVO, a novelmonocular visual odometry method that overcomes the scale ambiguity problem byemploying custom optics to physically encode metric depth information intoimagery. By incorporating this information into our odometry pipeline, weachieve state-of-the-art performance in monocular visual odometry with a knownscale. We evaluate our method in diverse indoor environments and demonstrateits robustness and adaptability. We achieve a 0.08m average trajectory error inodometry evaluation on the ICL-NUIM indoor odometry dataset.


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