VGGHeads: A Large-Scale Synthetic Dataset for 3D Human Heads

  • 2024-07-25 18:58:17
  • Orest Kupyn, Eugene Khvedchenia, Christian Rupprecht
  • 0


Human head detection, keypoint estimation, and 3D head model fitting areimportant tasks with many applications. However, traditional real-worlddatasets often suffer from bias, privacy, and ethical concerns, and they havebeen recorded in laboratory environments, which makes it difficult for trainedmodels to generalize. Here, we introduce VGGHeads -- a large scale syntheticdataset generated with diffusion models for human head detection and 3D meshestimation. Our dataset comprises over 1 million high-resolution images, eachannotated with detailed 3D head meshes, facial landmarks, and bounding boxes.Using this dataset we introduce a new model architecture capable ofsimultaneous heads detection and head meshes reconstruction from a single imagein a single step. Through extensive experimental evaluations, we demonstratethat models trained on our synthetic data achieve strong performance on realimages. Furthermore, the versatility of our dataset makes it applicable acrossa broad spectrum of tasks, offering a general and comprehensive representationof human heads. Additionally, we provide detailed information about thesynthetic data generation pipeline, enabling it to be re-used for other tasksand domains.


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