RegionDrag: Fast Region-Based Image Editing with Diffusion Models

  • 2024-07-25 18:59:13
  • Jingyi Lu, Xinghui Li, Kai Han
  • 0


Point-drag-based image editing methods, like DragDiffusion, have attractedsignificant attention. However, point-drag-based approaches suffer fromcomputational overhead and misinterpretation of user intentions due to thesparsity of point-based editing instructions. In this paper, we propose aregion-based copy-and-paste dragging method, RegionDrag, to overcome theselimitations. RegionDrag allows users to express their editing instructions inthe form of handle and target regions, enabling more precise control andalleviating ambiguity. In addition, region-based operations complete editing inone iteration and are much faster than point-drag-based methods. We alsoincorporate the attention-swapping technique for enhanced stability duringediting. To validate our approach, we extend existing point-drag-based datasetswith region-based dragging instructions. Experimental results demonstrate thatRegionDrag outperforms existing point-drag-based approaches in terms of speed,accuracy, and alignment with user intentions. Remarkably, RegionDrag completesthe edit on an image with a resolution of 512x512 in less than 2 seconds, whichis more than 100x faster than DragDiffusion, while achieving betterperformance. Project page:


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