SoNIC: Safe Social Navigation with Adaptive Conformal Inference and Constrained Reinforcement Learning

  • 2024-07-24 18:57:21
  • Jianpeng Yao, Xiaopan Zhang, Yu Xia, Zejin Wang, Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury, Jiachen Li
  • 0


Reinforcement Learning (RL) has enabled social robots to generatetrajectories without human-designed rules or interventions, which makes it moreeffective than hard-coded systems for generalizing to complex real-worldscenarios. However, social navigation is a safety-critical task that requiresrobots to avoid collisions with pedestrians while previous RL-based solutionsfall short in safety performance in complex environments. To enhance the safetyof RL policies, to the best of our knowledge, we propose the first algorithm,SoNIC, that integrates adaptive conformal inference (ACI) with constrainedreinforcement learning (CRL) to learn safe policies for social navigation. Morespecifically, our method augments RL observations with ACI-generatednonconformity scores and provides explicit guidance for agents to leverage theuncertainty metrics to avoid safety-critical areas by incorporating safetyconstraints with spatial relaxation. Our method outperforms state-of-the-artbaselines in terms of both safety and adherence to social norms by a largemargin and demonstrates much stronger robustness to out-of-distributionscenarios. Our code and video demos are available on our project website:


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