MOMAland: A Set of Benchmarks for Multi-Objective Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

  • 2024-07-23 10:05:06
  • Florian Felten, Umut Ucak, Hicham Azmani, Gao Peng, Willem Röpke, Hendrik Baier, Patrick Mannion, Diederik M. Roijers, Jordan K. Terry, El-Ghazali Talbi, Grégoire Danoy, Ann Nowé, Roxana Rădulescu
  • 0


Many challenging tasks such as managing traffic systems, electricity grids,or supply chains involve complex decision-making processes that must balancemultiple conflicting objectives and coordinate the actions of variousindependent decision-makers (DMs). One perspective for formalising andaddressing such tasks is multi-objective multi-agent reinforcement learning(MOMARL). MOMARL broadens reinforcement learning (RL) to problems with multipleagents each needing to consider multiple objectives in their learning process.In reinforcement learning research, benchmarks are crucial in facilitatingprogress, evaluation, and reproducibility. The significance of benchmarks isunderscored by the existence of numerous benchmark frameworks developed forvarious RL paradigms, including single-agent RL (e.g., Gymnasium), multi-agentRL (e.g., PettingZoo), and single-agent multi-objective RL (e.g.,MO-Gymnasium). To support the advancement of the MOMARL field, we introduceMOMAland, the first collection of standardised environments for multi-objectivemulti-agent reinforcement learning. MOMAland addresses the need forcomprehensive benchmarking in this emerging field, offering over 10 diverseenvironments that vary in the number of agents, state representations, rewardstructures, and utility considerations. To provide strong baselines for futureresearch, MOMAland also includes algorithms capable of learning policies insuch settings.


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