Deep Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Objective Optimization: Enhancing Wind Turbine Energy Generation while Mitigating Noise Emissions

  • 2024-07-18 10:21:51
  • Martín de Frutos, Oscar A. Marino, David Huergo, Esteban Ferrer
  • 0


We develop a torque-pitch control framework using deep reinforcement learningfor wind turbines to optimize the generation of wind turbine energy whileminimizing operational noise. We employ a double deep Q-learning, coupled to ablade element momentum solver, to enable precise control over wind turbineparameters. In addition to the blade element momentum, we use the wind turbineacoustic model of Brooks Pope and Marcolini. Through training with simplewinds, the agent learns optimal control policies that allow efficient controlfor complex turbulent winds. Our experiments demonstrate that the reinforcementlearning is able to find optima at the Pareto front, when maximizing energywhile minimizing noise. In addition, the adaptability of the reinforcementlearning agent to changing turbulent wind conditions, underscores its efficacyfor real-world applications. We validate the methodology using a SWT2.3-93 windturbine with a rated power of 2.3 MW. We compare the reinforcement learningcontrol to classic controls to show that they are comparable when not takinginto account noise emissions. When including a maximum limit of 45 dB to thenoise produced (100 meters downwind of the turbine), the extracted yearlyenergy decreases by 22%. The methodology is flexible and allows for easy tuningof the objectives and constraints through the reward definitions, resulting ina flexible multi-objective optimization framework for wind turbine control.Overall, our findings highlight the potential of RL-based control strategies toimprove wind turbine efficiency while mitigating noise pollution, thusadvancing sustainable energy generation technologies


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