Non-Vacuous Generalization Bounds for Large Language Models

  • 2024-07-17 16:32:47
  • Sanae Lotfi, Marc Finzi, Yilun Kuang, Tim G. J. Rudner, Micah Goldblum, Andrew Gordon Wilson
  • 0


Modern language models can contain billions of parameters, raising thequestion of whether they can generalize beyond the training data or simplyparrot their training corpora. We provide the first non-vacuous generalizationbounds for pretrained large language models (LLMs), indicating that languagemodels are capable of discovering regularities that generalize to unseen data.In particular, we derive a compression bound that is valid for the unboundedlog-likelihood loss using prediction smoothing, and we extend the bound tohandle subsampling, accelerating bound computation by orders of magnitude onmassive datasets. To achieve the extreme level of compression required fornon-vacuous bounds, we devise SubLoRA, a simple low-dimensional nonlinearparameterization that leads to non-vacuous generalization bounds for modelswith nearly a billion parameters. Finally, we use our bounds to understand LLMgeneralization and find that larger models have better generalization boundsand are more compressible than smaller models.


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