Explainable Hyperdimensional Computing for Balancing Privacy and Transparency in Additive Manufacturing Monitoring

  • 2024-07-09 18:42:26
  • Fardin Jalil Piran, Prathyush P. Poduval, Hamza Errahmouni Barkam, Mohsen Imani, Farhad Imani
  • 0


In-situ sensing, in conjunction with learning models, presents a uniqueopportunity to address persistent defect issues in Additive Manufacturing (AM)processes. However, this integration introduces significant data privacyconcerns, such as data leakage, sensor data compromise, and model inversionattacks, revealing critical details about part design, material composition,and machine parameters. Differential Privacy (DP) models, which inject noiseinto data under mathematical guarantees, offer a nuanced balance between datautility and privacy by obscuring traces of sensing data. However, theintroduction of noise into learning models, often functioning as black boxes,complicates the prediction of how specific noise levels impact model accuracy.This study introduces the Differential Privacy-HyperDimensional computing(DP-HD) framework, leveraging the explainability of the vector symbolicparadigm to predict the noise impact on the accuracy of in-situ monitoring,safeguarding sensitive data while maintaining operational efficiency.Experimental results on real-world high-speed melt pool data of AM fordetecting overhang anomalies demonstrate that DP-HD achieves superioroperational efficiency, prediction accuracy, and robust privacy protection,outperforming state-of-the-art Machine Learning (ML) models. For example, whenimplementing the same level of privacy protection (with a privacy budget set at1), our model achieved an accuracy of 94.43\%, surpassing the performance oftraditional models such as ResNet50 (52.30\%), GoogLeNet (23.85\%), AlexNet(55.78\%), DenseNet201 (69.13\%), and EfficientNet B2 (40.81\%). Notably, DP-HDmaintains high performance under substantial noise additions designed toenhance privacy, unlike current models that suffer significant accuracydeclines under high privacy constraints.


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