MoSt-DSA: Modeling Motion and Structural Interactions for Direct Multi-Frame Interpolation in DSA Images

  • 2024-07-09 18:50:54
  • Ziyang Xu, Huangxuan Zhao, Ziwei Cui, Wenyu Liu, Chuansheng Zheng, Xinggang Wang
  • 0


Artificial intelligence has become a crucial tool for medical image analysis.As an advanced cerebral angiography technique, Digital Subtraction Angiography(DSA) poses a challenge where the radiation dose to humans is proportional tothe image count. By reducing images and using AI interpolation instead, theradiation can be cut significantly. However, DSA images present more complexmotion and structural features than natural scenes, making interpolation morechallenging. We propose MoSt-DSA, the first work that uses deep learning forDSA frame interpolation. Unlike natural scene Video Frame Interpolation (VFI)methods that extract unclear or coarse-grained features, we devise a generalmodule that models motion and structural context interactions between frames inan efficient full convolution manner by adjusting optimal context range andtransforming contexts into linear functions. Benefiting from this, MoSt-DSA isalso the first method that directly achieves any number of interpolations atany time steps with just one forward pass during both training and testing. Weconduct extensive comparisons with 7 representative VFI models forinterpolating 1 to 3 frames, MoSt-DSA demonstrates robust results across 470DSA image sequences (each typically 152 images), with average SSIM over 0.93,average PSNR over 38 (standard deviations of less than 0.030 and 3.6,respectively), comprehensively achieving state-of-the-art performance inaccuracy, speed, visual effect, and memory usage. Our code is available at


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