Language Portability Strategies for Open-domain Dialogue with Pre-trained Language Models from High to Low Resource Languages

  • 2024-07-01 15:20:54
  • Ahmed Njifenjou, Virgile Sucal, Bassam Jabaian, Fabrice Lefèvre
  • 0


In this paper we propose a study of linguistic portability strategies oflarge pre-trained language models (PLMs) used for open-domain dialogue systemsin a high-resource language for this task. In particular the targetlow-resource language (L_T) will be simulated with French, as it lacks oftask-specific resources and allows our human evaluation, when the sourcelanguage (L_S) is English. For obvious reasons, recent works using such modelsfor open-domain dialogue are mostly developed in English. Yet building specificPLMs for each possible target language supposes collecting new datasets and iscostly. For this reason, trying to leverage all existing resources (PLMs anddata) in both L_S and L_T , we wish to assess the performance achievable in L_Twith different approaches. The first two approaches evaluate the usage ofNeural Machine Translation (NMT) at different levels: TrainOnTarget where a L_Sdataset is translated before fine-tuning in L_T and TestOnSource where a L_Smodel is coupled with NMT modules during inference. Then, the advent of BLOOM[2], the world first open-access multilingual large PLM, allow researchers todevelop new approaches aiming to leverage not only the model's fullaccessibility but also its multilingualism and translation abilities. In thiscontext the task is learned in L_S first and adapted to L_T using the MAD-XAdapter architecture [16]. In the two sets of experiments models are evaluatedin spoken dialogue conditions with human and the strategies can be compared interms of perceived interaction quality.


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