Refacing: reconstructing anonymized facial features using GANs

  • 2018-10-15 15:19:25
  • David Abramian, Anders Eklund
  • 25


Anonymization of medical images is necessary for protecting the identity ofthe test subjects, and is therefore an essential step in data sharing. However,recent developments in deep learning may raise the bar on the amount ofdistortion that needs to be applied to guarantee anonymity. To test suchpossibilities, we have applied the novel CycleGAN unsupervised image-to-imagetranslation framework on sagittal slices of T1 MR images, in order toreconstruct facial features from anonymized data. We applied the CycleGANframework on both face-blurred and face-removed images. Our results show thatface blurring may not provide adequate protection against malicious attempts atidentifying the subjects, while face removal provides more robustanonymization, but is still partially reversible.


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