Probabilistic Semantic Inpainting with Pixel Constrained CNNs

  • 2018-10-08 22:19:08
  • Emilien Dupont, Suhas Suresha
  • 20


Semantic inpainting is the task of inferring missing pixels in an image givensurrounding pixels and high level image semantics. Most semantic inpaintingalgorithms are deterministic: given an image with missing regions, a singleinpainted image is generated. However, there are often several plausibleinpaintings for a given missing region. In this paper, we propose a method toperform probabilistic semantic inpainting by building a model, based onPixelCNNs, that learns a distribution of images conditioned on a subset ofvisible pixels. Experiments on the MNIST and CelebA datasets show that ourmethod produces diverse and realistic inpaintings. Further, our model alsoestimates the likelihood of each sample which we show correlates well with therealism of the generated inpaintings.


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