Trust-based Consensus in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Systems

  • 2024-05-30 16:04:27
  • Ho Long Fung, Victor-Alexandru Darvariu, Stephen Hailes, Mirco Musolesi
  • 0


An often neglected issue in multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) is thepotential presence of unreliable agents in the environment whose deviationsfrom expected behavior can prevent a system from accomplishing its intendedtasks. In particular, consensus is a fundamental underpinning problem ofcooperative distributed multi-agent systems. Consensus requires differentagents, situated in a decentralized communication network, to reach anagreement out of a set of initial proposals that they put forward.Learning-based agents should adopt a protocol that allows them to reachconsensus despite having one or more unreliable agents in the system. Thispaper investigates the problem of unreliable agents in MARL, consideringconsensus as a case study. Echoing established results in the distributedsystems literature, our experiments show that even a moderate fraction of suchagents can greatly impact the ability of reaching consensus in a networkedenvironment. We propose Reinforcement Learning-based Trusted Consensus (RLTC),a decentralized trust mechanism, in which agents can independently decide whichneighbors to communicate with. We empirically demonstrate that our trustmechanism is able to handle unreliable agents effectively, as evidenced byhigher consensus success rates.


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