Double Correction Framework for Denoising Recommendation

  • 2024-05-28 04:54:22
  • Zhuangzhuang He, Yifan Wang, Yonghui Yang, Peijie Sun, Le Wu, Haoyue Bai, Jinqi Gong, Richang Hong, Min Zhang
  • 0


As its availability and generality in online services, implicit feedback ismore commonly used in recommender systems. However, implicit feedback usuallypresents noisy samples in real-world recommendation scenarios (such asmisclicks or non-preferential behaviors), which will affect precise userpreference learning. To overcome the noisy samples problem, a popular solutionis based on dropping noisy samples in the model training phase, which followsthe observation that noisy samples have higher training losses than cleansamples. Despite the effectiveness, we argue that this solution still haslimits. (1) High training losses can result from model optimization instabilityor hard samples, not just noisy samples. (2) Completely dropping of noisysamples will aggravate the data sparsity, which lacks full data exploitation.To tackle the above limitations, we propose a Double Correction Framework forDenoising Recommendation (DCF), which contains two correction components fromviews of more precise sample dropping and avoiding more sparse data. In thesample dropping correction component, we use the loss value of the samples overtime to determine whether it is noise or not, increasing dropping stability.Instead of averaging directly, we use the damping function to reduce the biaseffect of outliers. Furthermore, due to the higher variance exhibited by hardsamples, we derive a lower bound for the loss through concentration inequalityto identify and reuse hard samples. In progressive label correction, weiteratively re-label highly deterministic noisy samples and retrain them tofurther improve performance. Finally, extensive experimental results on threedatasets and four backbones demonstrate the effectiveness and generalization ofour proposed framework.


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