Controllable Text Summarization: Unraveling Challenges, Approaches, and Prospects -- A Survey

  • 2024-05-28 03:04:50
  • Ashok Urlana, Pruthwik Mishra, Tathagato Roy, Rahul Mishra
  • 0


Generic text summarization approaches often fail to address the specificintent and needs of individual users. Recently, scholarly attention has turnedto the development of summarization methods that are more closely tailored andcontrolled to align with specific objectives and user needs. Despite a growingcorpus of controllable summarization research, there is no comprehensive surveyavailable that thoroughly explores the diverse controllable attributes employedin this context, delves into the associated challenges, and investigates theexisting solutions. In this survey, we formalize the Controllable TextSummarization (CTS) task, categorize controllable attributes according to theirshared characteristics and objectives, and present a thorough examination ofexisting datasets and methods within each category. Moreover, based on ourfindings, we uncover limitations and research gaps, while also exploringpotential solutions and future directions for CTS. We release our detailedanalysis of CTS papers at


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